澡堂 偷拍 两代日本东谈主的童年顶流尽然在四川?(上)
发布日期:2024-09-19 09:30    点击次数:101

澡堂 偷拍 两代日本东谈主的童年顶流尽然在四川?(上)

八木太澡堂 偷拍


  有这样一个“80后”日本后生,每天皆在翻看和盘问《三国志》漫画与游戏,这个日本后生等于本文的主角八木太。这一次,他翻开了一份探索三国蜀中文化的神奇舆图。  Futoshi Yagi, a post-1980s Japanese young man, has been dedicated to the study on \"Romance of the Three Kingdoms\". This time, he found a magical map of the Three Kingdoms culture.  《三国志》漫画在日本销量达到7000万余册,《三国志》游戏问世38年于今依旧火爆,三国故事是日本两代东谈主的童年顶流。  The manga adaptation of \"Romance of the Three Kingdoms\" in Japan has sold over 70 million copies. The \"Romance of the Three Kingdoms\" game has been popular for 38 years and is still thriving today. The Three Kingdoms story is a childhood favorite for two generations of Japanese people.  在这份关系三国蜀中文化的神奇舆图里,有作者吉川英治形色诸葛亮夸夸其谈的灵感之源,有漫画家横山光芒形容张飞大战马超的灵感痕迹,有日本横滨中华街每年夏天举办“关帝祭”的灵感启迪。  In this magical map depicting the Three Kingdoms culture, there is the inspiration source of author Yoshikawa Eiji's portrayal of Zhuge Liang's eloquent speeches, the inspiration clues for manga artist Yokoyama Mitsuteru's depiction of Zhang Fei's battle against Ma Chao, and the inspiration enlightenment from the \"Guan Di Festival\" held every summer in Yokohama Chinatown, Japan.  虽然,这份舆图也曾三国宇宙的英雄英杰博弈过的简直战场。全宇宙的三国醉心者,一谈翻开这份灵感满满的舆图吧!  Of course, this map is still the real battlefield where warriors of the Three Kingdoms once fought. Let's open this inspirational map, all the Three Kingdoms enthusiasts from around the world!  第一站,成皆。四川是巴蜀端淑的起始地。三国时辰三分天地,刘备在成皆成立了蜀汉国。  Sichuan is the birthplace of the Ba-Shu civilization. During the Three Kingdoms period, the country was divided into three parts, and Liu Bei established the Kingdom of Shu in Chengdu.  武侯祠始建于蜀汉章武元年(221年),正本是操心诸葛亮的专祠,亦称孔明庙、丞相祠等,后并吞为君臣合祀祠庙,抒发了巨匠对诸葛亮的尊敬与改造,亦然进攻的三国名胜。  The Wuhou Shrine, originally built in the first year of the Zhangwu era (221 AD) of the Shu Han dynasty, was initially a dedicated shrine to commemorate Zhuge Liang. It was also known as the Kongming Temple or the Prime Minister's Shrine. Later, it was merged into a temple where both the ruler and the minister were worshipped, expressing the people's respect and admiration for Zhuge Liang. It is also an important relic of the Three Kingdoms.  《兴师表》大部分中国东谈主皆在中学学习过,淌若你有一个中国一又友,他或她一定会背诵至少第一句。好巧,八木太也会第一句。  The \"Memorial to the Throne\" is almost studied by every Chinese person in middle school. If you have a Chinese friend, he or she will surely recite it, at least the first sentence. You know what? Futoshi Yagi also know the first sentence.  中文作者:四川海传说播中心记者林嘉薇  英文作者:四川海传说播中心记者戈丹刘动  照相:林嘉薇